25+ Must Know Web Hosting Statistics and Facts for 2023

Today, it is hard to think how we would lead our lives without access to the internet.

We do lots of things throughout our day, and a good chunk of those things requires the internet.

Due to web hosting, these tools and platforms that we access regularly are possible. Web Hosting is the main reason we can access the internet and access information.

The market value of Web Hosting is ever increased, and currently, it is at around $62.7 billion. This article gives you valuable stats and facts about the world of Web hosting.

Global Web Hosting Statistics

1. Most hosting providers are from America

The country with the highest internet penetration is America, with Web hosting providers having over 51.59% of the hosting market share.

North America and The United States have the most hosting providers and operate a large part of the internet. Germany is the next most web hosting provider, followed by the United Kingdom.

Source: Host Advice

2. The popularity of host providers are based on their location

Some Web hosting companies have popular demand in a specific part of the world but fail to make an impression in other regions. The most popular web hosting providers in the US are DomainNotResolving and Amazon, but they are not as popular in Germany.

In some countries, Web hosting companies locally owned are the most popular. For example, in Italy, Aruba has over 55% market share.

Source: BuiltWith

3. America has the most data centers

Data centers are needed to store information and have easy access for web hosting providers. There are hundreds of data centers in the world. The country with the most data centers is The United States.

Around 36.1% of total data centers are located in The United States.

Source: W3Techs

4. Web Hosting is snowballing in Europe

CGAR will go more than 16% in Europe by the year 2027, according to Grand View Research. Currently, there is a rapid growth of Web hosting in countries like the UK and Germany. In 2018, over 7 million domains were from Germany.

Cybersecurity will be improved, and extra measures will take place in the EU due to the extra growth of web hosting.

Source: Grandview Research

5. The internet is consists of more than 1.9 Billion websites in 2023

The amount of websites being created is immense. As a result, the amount of web hosting is also growing rapidly. There are more than 1.9 Billion websites currently surfacing on the internet.

Out of all these websites, around 200 million websites are active.

Source: Internet live stats

6. Web owners registered more than 1.21 Billion hostnames in 2021

There are over 1.21 Billion hostnames are recorded in 2021. However, there are only 200 million active websites today, and active websites make up 15.5% of all the hostnames registered in 2021.

Source: NetCraft

Web Hosting Market Share

7. Nginx is the most popular server software

In order to convert a normal computer into a server, there are some tools needed to make that possible. Nginx is that tool, and it is the most popular server software, and Nginx has 33% of the server software market.

Source: W3Techs

8. Enterprises are the end user that uses Web Hosting service the most

Enterprises make up around 90.46% of Web Hosting when it comes to end-users. The number is astonishing in enterprises due to the rapid growth of e-commerce sites and the demand for companies’ online presence.

Source: Grandview Research

9. Wix is the most popular website builder with hosting services

There is a handful of Website builders that also provides other hosting solutions. Currently, Wix holds the most significant market share at 42.63%, followed by Shopify, which is at 19.61%.

Source: Builtwith

10. Amazon has a 6% share in cloud market provider

Amazon has recently earned the top spot by taking the place of Newfold Digital Group, which was at the top before. At a 6% share, Amazon Web Service is the leading web hosting provider for the cloud service market.

GoDaddy which was once at the top spot has gone down to 4.2% and above that, Shopify is at the 3rd spot with 3.8% of market share.

Source: W3Tech

11. GoDaddy is the most popular web hosting service

GoDaddy makes up 10.38% of all the web hosting available in the market, making it the most popular web hosting provider. In the United States, GoDaddy operates at the most extensive level.

In 2nd number, Google Cloud Platform makes its mark with around 6.12% of the market.

Source: Host Advice

Web Hosting Trends

12. Shared Hosting is the most used type of hosting

The growth rate of the web hosting market will reach 15.5% by 2027. Among this web hosting market, the most used type of hosting is Shared Hosting. Share Hosting accumulated over 37.94% of total revenue in 2019.

Source: Grandview Research

13. Cloud Hosting will soon take over Shared Hosting

Statistics in 2018 show that shared hosting is the most popular type of online hosting with 31.7% of the market share. However, the recent growth of Cloud hosting will likely take over Share as hosting as the most popular online hosting. The rate of change in Cloud hosting is at 18.3% CAGR.

Source: Berkaweb

14. Virtual Private Server is growing rapidly

Virtual Private Server is also set to grow by 15.5% from 2020 to 2027. Claimed by Allies Market Research, Managed VPS will reach $8.39 Billion in its market value by 2026. Sources also say that the immense growth of VPS is the result of the demand for solutions to security and technical issues among enterprise customers.

Source: Allied Market Research

15. The efficient way of web hosting is in demand

There are over 4.6 Billion active internet users globally, which makes up around 60% of the entire earth’s population. The internet penetration rate is growing instantly, which calls for the need to find the most efficient way of web hosting among enterprises.

Green Hosting is the best solution to find the most efficient web hosting. It involves using renewable resources that can achieve a high level of efficiency in the digital world. According to Global Market Insights, the market value of Green Hosting will reach $35 billion in 2026.

Source: Global Market Insights

16. Sources say that 80% of traditional data centers will be shut down by 2025

Traditional data centers are becoming less relevant as many web hosting companies go for cloud-based data centers. Cloud Bases data centers are easily accessible and do not risk being destroyed in any natural disaster.

Gartner has come to the conclusion that 80% of Traditional data center is going to shut down by 2025.

Source: Gartner

General Web Hosting Statistics

17. 37.4% of domains uses .com

Web Hosting requires a website name and, more importantly, a domain. This domain or TLD is needed to make the presence of your website on the internet. It is necessary to have a specific web address for your webpage. So that people can find your website by explicitly typing your web address.

The most acquired top-level domain is .com, with 37.4% of all domains being .com TLD.

Source: Domain Name Stat

18. A Good Web Hosting service stands out if it has incredible reliability

Any Web Hosting will deliver almost everything you are looking for to host your website. Usually, people look for performance, speed, and security. There are tons of hosting companies, but only some deliver the desired experience the user is looking for in web hosting.

Outstanding reliability is one factor most web owners are looking for when it comes to web hosting. A minute’s downtime can cost over $220,000 in companies like Amazon.

Source: Gartner

19. Security is a big factor to consider

Estimated evaluation done from cybercrime damages on the internet is around %6 Trillion per year. To avoid such problems, companies and individuals who are starting their online platforms are looking at Security as their topmost priority.

Source: Cybersecurity Ventures

20. Web hosting providers power more than 4.66 Billion internet users

Web Hosting is the pillar that holds the structure of the websites you see on the internet. A web hosting provider supports every website you can access on the internet. So what it means is that more than 4.66 billion internet users have access to the internet because of web hosting.

Source: Statista

21. Conversation rates are increased when the website has fast loading time

Portent finds out that having web hosting that offers impressive loading time increases the conversation rates. On average, each second a website takes to load drops the conversation rates by 4.42%. The first five seconds hold the most impact on the negative or positive conversation rates.

Source: Portent

22. Demand for web hosting will increase

We are far from having a perfect experience on the internet. But that does not stop us from reaching a higher number of active internet users. Cisco finds out that by 2022, more than 60% of the world’s population will have access to constant internet. This makes up 28 billion devices that are connected to the internet.

Source: Cisco

Web Hosting Economic Impact

23. Online experience holds high value

66.6% of customers assess the quality of a business or a company with the online experience they provide with their platforms. In addition, around 84% are unlikely to purchase any from a website that has poor optimization and provides an overall bad online experience. 76% of people have negative opinions towards a business that offers a poor online experience.

Source: Think Tribe

24. Web Hosting Fees

Shared hosting is the cheapest type of Web hosting, with the plans costing from $3 to $7 per month, and VPS holds the middle ground at $20 to $30 per month. The most expensive type of Web hosting is dedicated server hosting, where the cost of owning the service can range from $100 to $150.


25. The market size value of web hosting services is $62.6 Billion

In 2019 the market value of hosting providers was 56.7 Billion. Web Hosting Providers have a market value of 62.6 Billion in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate of 15.5% from 2020 to 2027. The extravagant market value is the result of rapid growth in startups companies.

Source: Grand View Research


Choosing the right web hosting provider to showcase your services online is essential. Entering the digital world is complicated since you have many web hosting options.

However, there are also many great web hosting that you can use to have the most optimal presence on the internet.

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